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Dump your Wii U game discs to a format that can be installed on your internal or external Wii U storage drive End Goal This guide has the end goal of taking a completely unmodified Wii U from stock to custom firmware Before Starting Before beginning the guide, you must know the risks of Wii U hacking EVERY time you modify your system, there is always the potential for anSome notes on Wii U modding maintenance 1 An external 25" hard drive needs more power than the Wii U outputs from its ports, so you 'll need a cable with those 2 USB outputs you see that come with many portable hard drives, and plug both into the USB ports on the back of your Wii U 2 If you unplug that drive for any reason and plug it back it in later (like if you're switching it out forVR Showcase Showing all 11 results Product Categories XBOX XBOX One;

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